Membership Dues
Annual membership runs from June 1st through May 31st. There are many benefits to joining Mac Pickleball Club. An annual membership fee of $15 (youth/student), $25 (individual adult), $40 (couple), or $45 (family) entitles you to:​
Free organized club play outdoors with access to club nets and loaner paddles when a board member is present.
Attend seasonal round robin events at discounted or no additional charge.
Participate in Board of Directors nominations.
Connect with other club members through the TeamReach app to set up your own play groups, share information about court and weather conditions, respond to club polls, etc.
Your membership dues will help support the following:
City Park court improvements (paddle holders, seating, signage, lights, etc.)
Equipment and supplies
A pickleball summer fun clinic for beginners
Club-sponsored round robin events and other tournaments
Capital funding for a potential pickleball facility
Access to indoor play venues
How to Join
Complete the online membership form below (preferred) or download a PDF version.
Provide payment via PayPal/secure VISA (links below)